Mayra Flores is an independent filmmaker specializing in experimental documentary animation. By focusing on emotionally-driven narratives and taking a poetic approach in documenting the human experience, she aims to capture social issues through a universally human lens and to amplify marginalized voices.
She is a first generation American and college graduate. She holds an MFA in Animation and Digital Arts and a BA in Cinema-Television Critical Studies from the USC School of Cinematic Arts. She was the recipient of the prestigious Annenberg Graduate Fellowship, which allowed her to meld together her academic and creative passions and to research the animated documentary’s unique ability to effectively humanize politicized social issues. Her graduate studies culminated with her thesis film, Nuestro País (Our Country) (2017), a short experimental animated documentary about immigrant families living in the U.S. told through an intimate lens.
Her most recent film, Llaves (Keys) (2021), a short animated documentary about a young mother whose family is separated by ICE, is currently on its festival run and has been published by the San Diego Union Tribune.